Hon. Minister Dr Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero
Minister of Health
There is a need to foster a collaborative relationship between patients and providers as well as holistic patient care in addition to technology.
Hon. Dr. Chris Baryomunsi
Minister of Information Communication Technology and National Guidance
The future of health has to be digital with blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence coming onto the scene.
Dr. Diana Atwine
Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health
Health commodity accountability is a key driver of digitisation of the health sector as it is critical to use systems to track accountability.
Dr. Daniel Kyabayinze
Director of Public Health, Ministry of Health
Innovations were critical during the difficult times of the Ebola and COVID-19 outbreaks, and how real-time data became a reality as this was the basis for the Ministry of Health's Top Management decision-making.
Dr. Joseph Okware
Director of Health Governance and Health Regulation, Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health is committed to improving the application of digital health technologies to facilitate the attainment of her overall objective of delivering high-quality health services to all Ugandans.
Dr. Sarah Byakika
Commissioner Health Services Planning, Financing and Policy, Ministry of Health
There is a lot to share concerning digital health and a lot has been done only that there was no such platform to share such experiences.
Paul Mbaka
Assistant Commissioner Health Services Health Information Management, Ministry of Health
It is important to align on the way forward to create a more resilient, manageable, coordinated and practical digital health implementation to optimise health service delivery.
Event Schedule
Arrival and Registration
Organising Committee
Refreshments (Tea/Coffee)
Organising Committee
Opening Prayer
Welcome Remarks & Objectives
Dr. Henry Mwebesa (DGHS)
Digital Health Implementation Status Update
- Reading of the 2023 Aide Memoir & Update
Paul Mbaka
Keynote Presenter
Remarks by the PS MoH and Invitation of the Hon Minister of ICT & NG
Dr. Diana Atwine
Remarks by the Hon Minister of ICT & NG
Hon. Dr. Chris Baryomunsi
Official Remarks by the Guest of Honor Hon Minister of Health
Launch of the National Data Ware House
Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng
Health Data Analytics & Insights (Room 1)
Telemedicine & Remote Healthcare Services (Room 2)
Digital Health Governance and Regulation (Room 3)
Lunch Break
Organising Committee
Field Visit by Delegates
Poster Presentation & Exhibition Walk-through
Organising Committee
Return from Field
Arrival and Registration
Organising Committee
Refreshments (Tea/Coffee)
Organising Committee
Opening Prayer
Remarks from PS ICT
Dr. Aminah Zawedde
Remarks from PS Energy & Mineral Development
Feedback on the Field Visit & Reactions
Panel Discussion
Aligning Resources for Digital Health Transformation
Topic: Digital Health Infrastructure and Ecosystem
Breakout Session 11:45 – 01:00 pm
Digital Health Infrastructure and Ecosystem (Room 1)
Health Information Systems (Room 2)
Community Health Information Systems (Room 3)
01:00 – 02:00 pm
Lunch Break
Organising Committee
PLENARY SESSION - Closing Ceremony
Exhibition Walk-Through & Poster Presentation – Delegates & Guest of Honour
Organising Committee
Oral Presentations (2)
Presentation of the 2024 Digital Health Conference Aide Memoir
Paul Mbaka
Partner Representative
Private Sector Representative
Remarks by PS MoH
Dr. Diana Atwine
Awards Ceremony
Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng
Closing Remarks by Hon Minister of Health
Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng
Media Team